
Zelda: OoT Novelization, Ch2-2

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Link slowly opened his eyes and squinted, the afternoon sun shining through his window and onto his face. He was sprawled out crosswise on his bed, legs and feet dangling off the edge. That was a strange dream, Link thought as he dragged himself into a sitting position. But that wasn't a surprise- he had so many of those lately.
Saria was going to scold him for sleeping so late. Link placed a hand on his forehead and groaned. He had a throbbing headache.

"So you're finally awake, Link. I thought you were going to snooze the entire day away!"  

Link gasped at the unexpected noise. He looked over his shoulder, the light and sound sending needles of pain through his head. "I thought you were a figment of my imagination, fairy.  Too bad."  

Navi pouted and put her hands on her hips. "Don't be mean. It was harder to establish a link with someone as old as you are. That's why it was painful."

"Is that why I couldn't understand you before?"  

Navi sighed. She hated explaining things. "My name is Navi, Link. The Deku Tree has asked me to find you for him, but since you couldn’t understand what I was trying to say, I needed to create a mind-link between us. That's how Kokiri and fairy partners communicate, although of course you couldn't have known that."

"Are you mocking me?"  Link snarled.

Navi sniffed and held her head high, looking down at him disapprovingly.
“Do you always take things the wrong way? Well, I didn't come here to argue. I'm here for the Deku Tree, so you're going to come with me to see him. Navi flew up and fluttered her wings urgently.

"We've already wasted so much time…” she said worriedly, looking at the afternoon sky. “I'm going to be your partner for the time being, so let's try to get along, alright?"  Link paused for a moment to consider, then gave a sharp nod in agreement.

"If it was so important for the Deku Tree to find me, then I think we had better leave right away," Link said, glancing out of the window. He stood up and walked toward the door.

“Wait, Link. You’re just going to go? Just like that? Isn’t there anything you need to take with you? At this rate, we’ll be out for the rest of the night…”

Link paused without looking back at her. “What do you mean, Navi? I don’t own anything.”  

Link walked out of the door of his tree-house and onto the balcony outside.  He twitched when Navi flew up from behind him. "I’m never going to get used to a floating ball of light trailing me everywhere I go. Can I turn you off at night?"  

Navi stuck her tongue out at him. Suddenly, she rose in the air and pointed. "Oh, look, Link! Someone's coming!" Link’s gaze followed the direction of Navi’s tiny finger.

A girl was running up the path towards his house. She saw Link looking at her and waved. Link smiled and waved in response. He was always glad to see Saria, his only friend. Instead of taking the ladder down, Link leaped off the balcony and landed cat-like on the ground below.

"Show-off," Navi muttered, floating down after him.

Saria, a pretty girl around Link's age, was quiet and polite. She had never seemed to mind that Link was different from the other Kokiri, although she secretly hoped that one day he would receive a fairy of his own.

"Hi Link," Saria panted, trying to catch her breath. Then she frowned at him. "You lazybones!  You slept the whole day away, almost! I was waiting for you forever!" Link laughed and pointed at Navi.

"Well, it wasn't exactly all my fault."  

Saria looked at Navi and her eyes widened excitedly. "A fairy... Oh, Link!  Have you finally received a fairy?"  Saria clapped her hands delightedly.  "I'm so happy for you!"  She smiled up at Navi.

"Hello, fairy, I'm Saria.  It's nice to meet you!"

"Likewise, Saria. I'm Navi."

Navi looked at where Saria's fairy was hovering. She liked Saria already, but she couldn't say the same thing for her fairy. Vera, a beautiful light-purple fairy with silky hair down to the middle of her back, made a face at Navi from behind Saria's shoulder. Navi returned the gesture.

Saria returned her attention to Link, a slight puzzled expression on her face. "But, Link, why did the Deku Tree decide to send you a fairy now?"

"Well, according to this fairy, the Deku Tree wants to see me personally.  She's just the Deku Tree's messenger.”

Saria’s mouth dropped with amazement. "The Deku Tree wants to see you personally...? Wow! Link, do you realize what an honor that is?" Saria gasped. "And you've been dawdling all morning, too!" Saria waved her hands at Link as if to shoo him away.

"Get going! Don't make the Deku Tree wait, Link!  But I'll be waiting for you here when you get back... I want all the details!"  

She winked at him and giggled. Link smiled at her and turned, starting down the path which led through the village. Navi flew down by his face.

"Let’s get through the village first, Link, and from there, I'll lead you to the Deku Tree."  

As the pair entered the busier parts of the village, Link could feel eyes on him, obviously surprised at seeing him in the company of a fairy. He felt uncomfortable at their scrutiny and almost wished that he could tuck Navi somewhere out of sight.
As he strolled through the village, Link took time to look at the stores and places of interest as he passed. Navi had to frequently urge him on and she was sure that at times he had forgotten what his destination was altogether. Not a very comforting thought, that.
Before long, the pair approached the entrance to the main square. Located near the edge of town, it was where the Kokiri gathered for important meetings or festivals. Fountains sprayed mists of water in the air, dampening the mottled brown stone tile on the ground. The square was always busy, even without a meeting or festival, and many Kokiri were milling about.  Navi looked at the position of the sun. The sky had already begun to turn a pinkish hue. Navi flew down to Link.

"The Deku Tree must be getting anxious, Link. We've already taken an entire day to get this far. We have to hurry!" Link sniffed and waved a hand at Navi.

"Alright, alright. That's what you've been saying for the past three hours now, fairy. Don't worry, the Deku Tree's not going to pick up his roots and walk away... agh!"

Link stumbled and almost fell as something rammed into his back. He spun around, immediately crouching into a fighting stance, and snarled when he saw who was responsible.

Mido stood defiant, his arms crossed. His ruddy hair stuck out from beneath his short green Kokiri hat, his tanned face covered in freckles. The village bully, Mido was fearfully obeyed by all the Kokiri except Link, and Mido hated Link for not fearing him.

"What do you think you're doing, Mido?! Don't get in my way!" Link yelled, fists clenched so tightly Navi could see the knuckles turning white. She looked back at Mido, preparing to defend her partner in any way she could, when her eyes grew wide with shock. Lounging on Mido's head in the folds of his hat lay Rean. He was lying on his side with his head propped up with a hand, staring at her with a hint of his smile on his face. He continued to watch her from beneath half-closed eyes, his fingers drumming a constant beat on his thigh. Navi felt like she was being gazed at by a hungry predator, and longed to flee, to put distance between herself and Rean.  But she could not let Rean know she feared him. Heart racing, she edged closer to Link and dearly hoped that he would protect her if Rean decided that he wanted his prey.

"What do you think you're doing, Link?"  Mido sneered. "You were standing in my way." He looked up at Navi. "Oh, so you have a fairy now too, huh? What did you do, catch a wild one and tame it to tag along at your heels?" Mido laughed and Navi wished she was large enough to shut his mouth for him.

"Don't be an idiot, Mido. Even you know that fairies can't be tamed.  You can't even make your own behave!" Link pointed to the red-orange glow on Mido's hat.  Rean snorted and laughed.

"Hah! Ain't that the truth!" Mido reached up and swatted at his fairy.  

"Shut up, you! I don't need your comments," Mido growled.  Rean rose in the air and made a mock bow in Navi's direction.

"Seems like my presence here is no longer needed, little lady. Don't blow off too much hot air!"  

Rean sped away into the trees and was quickly lost from sight. Navi looked back down at Link and Mido. A crowd of Kokiri were gathering excitedly around, hoping to see a fight break out. Mido was puffed up with pride and moved with a swagger. Link was calm and relaxed, his face unreadable, but his eyes gave away his dangerous cunning.  Navi swelled with pride. If a fight between the two broke out, her partner would surely win.

"So, Link, what are you doing way out here? You're very far away from home and I don't think you've come to see the sights. Tell me, what exactly are you doing here?" Mido sneered, crouching low to the ground.  The two circled, neither willing to turn their back to the other. Link gave him a wicked smile.

"Oh, I'm going to tell you, Mido. I'm going to tell you to shut your mouth and mind your business! Don't mess with me."  

Suddenly, Mido straightened up and dropped the fighting stance. He flipped a lock of hair out of his eyes. "Well, it really makes no difference to me whether you tell me or not. I already know the whole story, thanks to our fairies exchanging some information."  

Link glanced up to where Navi was flying. She could see a glimmer of disapproval on his face before he focused again on Mido, and immediately felt a pang of guilt. ...No! her mind cried out. How could she have known that Rean was the fairy of Link's adversary?

Still, I should have kept my big mouth shut, Navi scolded herself.

Link warily straightened up so he could look Mido in the face.  Mido frowned at him.

"So you're going to see the Great Deku Tree? What makes you think you're so special, Link? No one has talked with the Great Deku Tree. No one has ever seen him."  Mido gave Link a smug look. "Personally, I doubt that he even exists."

There were gasps from the crowd, as well as shouts of approval. The Kokiri had already begun to take sides.

"And I think your fairy's gone crazy," Mido added. Navi felt a stab of betrayal as a concerned look crept onto Link's face. She dropped down to him.

"No, Link, I'm not crazy! I'm not!”  Navi pleaded with him. Link looked at her and smiled, a determined look on his face.  

"Of course you're not crazy, Navi, and we're going to prove it when we find the Great Deku Tree."  There were cheers from the crowd, as well as laughter.  Mido snorted in disgust.

"Well I think you're crazy too, Link, if you think you can get through the forest like that! You think that the wild beasts are going to roll out the red carpet for you? They'll eat you in seconds flat if you don't have anything to protect yourself with. ...But I'm perfectly game to see you try!" Mido laughed. "You'll be food for the wolves, and I say 'good riddance to you!'"  

Mido stalked off and the crowd groaned in disappointment when it was apparent that there would not be a fight after all. The momentum had passed, and the Kokiri quickly dispersed, leaving Link and Navi to themselves. Link walked over to a fountain in the square and sat down on the edge. He put his head in his hands.

"Navi, I'm such a fool! What was I thinking? He's right, you know. I can't travel through the forest without a weapon." Navi fluttered in agreement.

"It's true that the forest is dangerous, Link." Navi smiled at him. "But, you know… you were very brave back there, with Mido and all. You made me proud to be called your partner."

Link dismissed the comment with a wave of his hand. "That wasn't bravery, Navi. It was just an act. I'm not brave at all."

Navi lit on his shoulder and looked at him fondly. "You are to me."  

Link smiled weakly. "Thanks, Navi, but still..." He stopped as he heard someone shouting his name. Looking around, he saw Saria, and a smaller Kokiri, Lonnie, running towards them. Link quickly got to his feet to greet them.

"Link, ...I heard everything about Mido," Saria said.

"He was right though, Saria.  I am foolishly unprepared."

Lonnie suddenly spoke up in his high, childish voice.  "I think Mido's wrong about the Great Deku Tree, Link. I believe you're going to find him… because he does exist. I know it!"  

Lonnie ran to the end of the square and picked up a large object. As he ran back, Link recognized the object as a shield. It was wooden and kite-shaped, with the Kokiri's symbol on it painted in red. It seemed well-built and strong. Lonnie ran up, panting. He held out the shield.

"We bought this, but I want you to borrow it, Link. You need it more than I do now. And... and I want to help you find the Deku Tree and show Mido who's boss!"  

Link cautiously reached out and took the shield. He slipped it on his arm and tested the weight. It was perfect. Link looked up to thank Lonnie, but he was nowhere to be seen. Link looked at Saria, puzzled at Lonnie’s absence.  She giggled.

"I guess he didn't want you to refuse," Saria offered.  

"Would you thank him for me, Saria?  Tell him I'll bring it back as soon as I'm done."  Link felt elated. He was almost ready now.

"You still need a weapon, Link," Saria said, looking at him expectantly.  Link frowned. The law forbade weapons in the village, so one would certainly be difficult to come by. A dinner knife would be out of the question, he was fairly sure. Saria sidled up to him and whispered in his ear.

"I know of a Kokiri treasure hidden in the forest, Link.  It would help you greatly if you could find it..."  

Link's eyebrows shot up.

"How do you know that, Saria? Do you go into the forest?"  

Saria blushed. "Sometimes. The forest talks to me. I can't explain it, but the forest tells me things, so I know." Saria looked down. "I can understand the fairies, too. Not just my own, but all of them. Navi, too." She looked up again and Link was startled to see tears in her eyes.

"Am I so different?"  Saria choked.  Link reached out comfortingly.

"No... Saria... don't cry. There's a reason for everything, isn't there?  I was different, but now I'm beginning to see that I have a purpose because I was different. It must be the same for you. And… we’re both different, so that makes us the same, doesn’t it?"  Saria managed a smile for Link at that.

"That must be why I've always felt safe with you, somehow. I didn't know why before, but perhaps I do now." Saria wiped the tears from her eyes and once again she was the happy, excited girl Link was accustomed to. She looked up at the sky, shading her eyes with one hand. The red sun was setting quickly and already a quarter of it was lost from sight behind the line of treetops.

"It will be twilight soon, Link. I can lead you to the treasure in the forest, but it will be dark, and dangerous. Can you wait for the morning?"

Link considered it. It was true that the forest was more dangerous at night. For some reason, however, he hated the idea of waiting until dawn. A strange feeling of deep urgency had gripped him and he knew, somehow, that he had little time to spare. Link shook his head.  

"No, we must go now, Saria. If you're worried about the danger, just give me directions on how to get there. I'll understand."

"If you truly understood, Link, you would know that what you offer is impossible.  You will not succeed without me."  Saria was adamant, and Link knew it was futile to try to persuade her to let him go on alone.

"Very well, Saria.  But if it gets too dangerous for you, we'll come back and wait.  It's a promise."  

Saria smiled at him reassuringly, but strangely enough, she wasn't the least bit afraid for herself. She was afraid for Link.

Rean lay on the leaf of a huge poplar and poked at a dragonfly feeding nearby with a twig. The dragonfly hissed at him and curled its tail.  Annoyed with the ill treatment, the dragonfly flew off to feed in more peaceful surroundings.

Hah! thought Rean to himself. At least dragonflies aren't nearly as uptight as wasps are. Suddenly Rean heard voices. Two childish Kokiri voices and one voice that was clearly fairy- a voice that he recognized almost immediately. Rean dulled his ruddy glow to a barely visible level and lay flat on the leaf, his head peeking out from the edge. He stilled his breath.

Link, Saria and Navi entered the little grotto that nestled in the very outskirts of the village, the borderline between the village and the forest. The tall ground vegetation made the grotto almost invisible to Kokiri looking from the village, especially at night. Navi's light lit up the surrounding vegetation, making it a dull midnight blue. By now, most of the Kokiri were settled snugly in their houses. The light from the sun had nearly disappeared and the stars had begun peeking out from the darker part of the sky. Link was glad for Navi's presence. Without her, he would be almost blind in the darkness.

"Are you ready, Link?" Saria asked.  

Link had the shield he had borrowed from Lonnie strapped to his back.  He hefted his makeshift spear; a long wooden pole, sharpened to a wicked point on one end. He blew out a gust of air.

"As ready as I'll ever be, I guess. Let's make this quick." Link looked up. "Stay as close to us as you can, Navi. We're going to need all the light we can get."  

Link turned towards the forest, his shoulders squared.  "Both of you stay behind me.  I'll lead the way."  

Saria stepped in behind Link. On her back was a pack full of medicinal supplies. Navi brought up the rear, casting a dim circle of blue-white light around the trio.
The three moved into the forest, the vegetation whispering as they brushed against it. Rean got up from the leaf and looked after them.  His eyes narrowed.

"Somehow, I've got a feeling that the little lady left out some very important details. Well, I'm going to find out what's really going on!"  He rose soundlessly in the air and cautiously followed the trail that the trio had cut into the forest.

Okay, it's really really late, and I neglected my homework, so I'll have to proof-read this tomorrow.

End of Chapter 2. Please enjoy.
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